Lyla Kennedy is back for round two and we all stepped it up. For starters, her asshole was up for grabs today... and let me tell you, this is some seriously hard anal aka painal. Since it's only been a month since her first visit, there wasn't anything to really catch up on so we got right to business. Pauly punished her tiny throat hole with his massive meat missile. He pumped her nice and deep. She's been practicing her deep throating and it shows. All the way down to the ball sack her face went. Plus, even more barf than the first time. She ended up gushing tons of stomach skank from her throat hole towards the end! The cherry on top, though... the butt fucking. She's only done anal 4 times in her life but you'd think she takes it in the seat daily with the way she handled her business. She's about that life. Great scene. Enjoy!
Click Here to Join FaceFucking.comFor an up and coming wanna-be porn star, Lyla Kennedy sucks cock like an old lady. You'd think there would be some enthusiasm involved, but you'd be wrong. I don't know what to say... she's awkward. She licks nuts like a squirrel and can't really go deep. It's more of a "what not to do" instructional video than a porn scene. It saddens me because this is their chance to show off their skills, but when they don't have any skills... it just sucks.
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